Australian Catholic Church Scandal

The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Dr George Pell has been accused of sexually abusing a youn male and has stepped down while an inquiry is undertaken. This comes just months after he was accused and proved guilty of helping to cover up child sexual abuse in the catholic Church and paying hush money to the victims. Back in June of this year Dr Pell denied having been involved in any sort of coverup of child sexual abuse by other clergy in the Catholic Church. It was later proven that he had lied about his non involvment when legal letters from the catholic church to the victims were provided to the media.

Dr pell is the man who said at the recent World Youth Conference that abortion was a far worse crime than Child Sexual Abuse, personally I can't think of anything worse apart from murder than abusing a child or abusing anyone!

It is amazing that even from this lie he has held on to his position as Archbishop, but it reflects a Catholic Church which is under siege throughout the world for child sexual abuse by it's priests. What is even more amazing is the double standards shown by the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, who upon hearing of the newest accusations immediatley came to Dr Pell's defense and confirmed his backing of the man. This double standard by Howard is less than two months after he refused to stand by Justic Micheal Kirby when he was publicly accused in the Australian Federal Parliament of picking young men up in his Commonwealth car. Accusations which were quickly proven to be baseless and fabricated by the arch conservative Senator Heffernan, a known hatchett man for the Prime Minister.

John Howard refused to back down or support Justice Kirby and once the allegations were proven to be total farbrications never even apologised for the behaviour of his Senator, But when the allegations are made against a fellow conservative, Dr George Pell, the PM has been very quick to dismiss them and support the Catholis Archbishop.

There is a definite double standard here, but it is to be expected by a Prime Minister who still believes that the world should revert back to the social values of the 1950's and has been a vocal opponent of grating gays and lesbians equal rights under the federal law.

Australia is being governed by a political party which has such disdain and open hatred for minority groups that it is almost amazing that Australia has not been branbded a backward country.

Whether the allegations of sexual abuse by Dr pell are proven correct or not, he is not a role model or a moral leader fit to be in the position of power he holds. It has been proven in the past that he has lied, lied to the media and lied to the country. He should have resigned the first time, but this time it may cause even more damage to the church than his last folly! As for Howard, well the country will decide at the next election whether or not he is fit to be the Prime Minister and I hope they decide that his own dubious morals and double standards make him persona non gratis as Prime Minister!