It seems that the war on Iraq will commence in just a few hours time, regardless of the anti war sentiment expressed throughout the world. Personally I am against the war without the backing of the United Nations and I feel that the American Presidency, the Australian and United Kingdom Prime Ministership are going down the wrong path attacking Iraq in the face of such world wide sentiment.
I am staunchly anti Saddam Hussein and believe him to be a despot of huge proportions. He must be deposed, there is no doubt of this based on the horrors and suffering that he has caused not just his own county but those living around him.
However now that the war seems to be an inevitable outcome, I believe it is important that I put my personal feelings aside and think of our troops that are in the gulf, about to go into harms way. These troops were not the ones who voted for war, but they are the ones that must go and fight. They are not warmongers, they are the people who are trained to protect us.
I pray that these men and women are kept safe, and that wahtever happens it is quick, decisve and it does serve to free the oppressed Iraqi people.