Alcohol and tobacco worse than LSD or ecstasy

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By Gary HughesWednesday, August 09, 2006 at 12:03am

Here’s one for all the Gotcha readers who launch attacks on me whenever I post on the dangers of illicit drugs, claiming that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous. Two of the British Government’s most senior drug policy scientific advisors have just ranked alcohol and tobacco ahead of such Class A illegal drugs LSD and ecstasy in terms of the dangers they pose.

On a new “league table” of both legal and illegal drugs, based on the harm they do, alcohol is listed as the fifth most dangerous drug and tobacco the ninth. That would male alcohol a likely Class A drug and tobacco a Class B drug – both illegal under the current classification system.
According to Professor David Nutt of the British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of the Medical Research Council, who drew up the list, tobacco and alcohol cause about 40 times the total number of deaths from all illegal drugs combined.

The list was provided to a UK parliamentary committee, which has just released a report delivering a broadside at the British Government’s illicit drugs policy. It said there was little connection between the danger posed by drugs and their classification on the illegal drugs scale. Some drugs had been added to the classified list because of political pressure or media attention, rather than because they were dangerous.

In the UK six drugs are Class A: heroin, LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, methyamphetamine, and illegal or “street” methadone. Tobacco and alcohol related deaths in the UK total 162,000 a year. The biggest killer behind tobacco and alcohol is methadone, which is prescribed to help treat heroin addicts.

The drugs on the new league were assessed across three broad categories of potential harm: physical harm, risk of dependence and harm to family and community. Alcohol ranked second highest (behind heroin) on the social harm scale.

Here’s the “league table” of drugs ranked by the risk of harm they pose:

1. Heroin

2. Cocaine

3. Barbiturates,

4. Methadone

5. Alcohol

6. Ketamine

7. Benzodiazepines

8. Amphetamine

9. Tobacco

10. Buprenorphine

11. Cannabis

12. Solvents

13. Methtamphetamine (4-MTA)

14. LSD

15. Methylphenidate

16. Anabolic Steroids

17. GHB

18. Ecstasy

19. Alkyl Nitrites

20. Khat
The parliamentary committee has said officially publishing such a list, where drugs were decoupled from criminal penalties, would “give the public a better sense of the relative harms involved”.