The Long Weekend's Frivolities

Every now and then we throw caution to the wind and kick our heals up in the Emerald City, and when I saw kick I mean, basically act like 20 year olds and be trashy for a couple of days & nights of utter fun.

The long weekend started on Thursday night with drinks at home with mates T&J and their your work colleague who we shall call Sit. After drinking and carrying on for several hours before heading out to Arq nightclub. Because the club was closing at 4am we had to compress a full night into only s short time which was pretty fun! Although I was absolutely rat shit exhausted from several weeks of work and not bad sleeping patterns so I bunked out early.

But the next morning we started again with J & Sit who we drank and carried on with til late in the afternoon.

Then one house party at 6pm and a dinner with friends at their place that night! One hell of a cool twenty four hours.

But then Saturday!

Drinks for a friends 30th, dinner at a friends place and bed.

So Sunday was supposed to be a day of family and relaxation, but no fear our arms were twisted (ever so well) and we succumbed to going out again with friends!

Sunday night 11pm ARQ.

My God we haven't been in the place for years before Thursday night and look at us, we end up going out twice in a weekend even worse to the same place.

what are we like?

So there is the extreme partying over for another few months, but we did make some new friends through other friends which is always cool. It's funny but it does take a lot for us to actually meet and then bond with new people as we can both be very focused on our little work and sometimes we forget to look outwards.

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