The middle of the week

I have said very little since last week apart from uploading large amounts of eye candy with links to porn sites LOL!

It's not that I have not been up to much, quite the contrary I have been working virtually non stop after finally getting my head back together after the weekend that started on Friday night and ended on Sunday night.

I am stressed to the gunnels as usual beating down every tree and offering my business clients discounts if they pay before Christmas just because I get paranoid that all the accounts departments will close until February and I will not be able to cover the business accounts till then.

The weekend was quite amazing as it was the boy's 30th Birthday party celebration and it went from our place to a friends place, back to our place, out and then back to a friends place.

The worst part is I am off to Melbourne this weekend to celebrate another Friend's birthday party and all I know is that a bus (yes a bus) arrives at a specific time and will drop us back the next day!

OMG what am I getting myself into LOL

I need sleep this week and need to prepare myself for a huge weekend!