A Brisbane Private School has banned it's final year students from taking their same sex partners to the formal.
Because in their words the formal is "... about protocols and decorums".
What a load of bullshit.
However what gets me really pissed are the comments from rednecks.
Thank goodness though I know that most of these stupid idiots are also the stupid idiots that are also racist and xenophobic.
The Catholic bigots annoy me the most because the doctrines are just so hate filled in the guise of the interpretation of the Bible.
We all know that Catholicism is declining in the Western world, but it's growing at a huge rate in the developing third world.
This along with the schism in the Anglican Church where there will probably be a split between the Western moderate branches and the far more conservative Third World branches.
How will these bigots cope when a Hispanic or God forbid a black man is elected Pope? How will this affect their ridiculous racist sensibilities.
I am laughing myself stupid at the ridiculousness of people's fear of minorities and I find it exceedingly amusing that in the end their own hatred and bigotry will come round and bite them on the ass.
There is a place for religion and faith in the world, but not when hatred and bigotry is espoused in it's name.Labels: religion