Week's Wrapup

I can't believe that another Toybox party has been and gone and we have to wait another year for the next one!

Last week was bloody busy let me say, clients just came crawling out of the woodwork with new projects and it seems that everyone needs everything yesterday literally!

In between working like a trojan we also managed to fit in seeing the Kinsey Sicks a very cool Dragapella group, all singing no backup group in Australia for Mardi Gras, among my favorite numbers were, Waltzing my Dildo and Fertilizer to the tune of Britney Spear's Womanizer.

It's a busy part week for me this week I took yesterday off and am taking Thursday / Friday off, so am trying to pack into two days what I would normally do in five days!

But I am very much looking forward to having some down time.