
Where is my mojo?

No not Marcus Mojo the very hot porn star.

I mean my Mojo my drive, my ambition?

I have felt really burnt out the last few months just tired and a bit like I am in a groundhog day.

I go to the gym, I go to work, I come home and I do it again day after day.

One of the challenges of running your own business and employing people is the constant worry about making sure the business can pay for everyone.

I never really worry about this month or next month, I worry about 3 months to 6 months time.

I think I need to find myself a life coach / mentor, but most I know or have dealt with do nothing for me and I don't think they can help guide me I nee someone really special and successful that I can actually admire.

Gym is going well and I am back again at about 85% strength from my arm injury, I still have to be careful with the arm and there are certain twisting movements which I am avoiding as it sends shooting pain through my arm.  But everything seems to be getting better.

Anyway it's Friday and I am just back from the gym and I need to pull my finger out and get to the office for another day of groundhog day!

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