Monday Mornings

I have a love hate relationship with Monday Mornings, not because I have mondayitits and don't want to go to work.  No more because I know how much I have to get done in a week and just how little time I have to do it all!

I have signed on a couple of very large and potentially very lucrative clients for the company and have been busy teaching myself new things like App development for the iPhone, iPad and Android markets.

I only managed two gym sessions last week, but I did get a hold of my new Fiscia sensor so I can properly monitor the intensity of working out.

Sheesh I have to tell you I thought I was training hard, but according to the actual results I was only 'moderately' training.

It sure goes to show why somethings having the right tools really helps.

So now onward and upward for the week.

Two fortune cookies this week have both told me that something big I have wanted is going to happen and happen soon.

I hope this means that my strategy that seems to be working really starts to take off out of the stratosphere!

Keep your bloggy fingers crossed for me

BTW I am pretty sure that the picture is London Preppy taken off of GWIP